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Peer Reviewed Scientific Journal Articles and Conference Papers


“Pressure-softening of zone-edge TA phonons and the fourfold to sixfold phase change”, B. A. Weinstein, Phys. Rev. B 104,

054105-(1-8), (2021).


“Stability and Band-Gap Tuning of the Chalcogenide Perovskite BaZrS3 in Raman and Optical Investigations at High Pressures”

Nelson Gross, Yi-Yang Sun, Samanthe Perera, Haolei Hui, Xiucheng Wei, Shengbai Zhang, Hao Zeng, and B. A. Weinstein,

Phys. Rev. Applied 8, 044014 (2017).


“Structural and chemical disorder in semiconductors under pressure: Evidence in II–VI’s, role of photoactive defects, material predictions”, B. A. Weinstein, G. P. Lindberg, N. Gross, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56, 05FA05(1-14) (2017).


“Interactions”, B. A. Weinstein, in: Manuel Cardona Memories and Reminiscences, ed. by K. Ensslin and L. Vina, (Springer, Heidelberg, 2016,), pp. 153-155. (Invited)


“Raman and CT scan mapping of chalcogenide glass diffusion generated gradient index profiles”, G. P. Lindberg, R. H. Berg,

J. Deegan, R. Benson, P. Salvaggio, N. Gross, B. A. Weinstein, D. Gibson, S. Bayya, J. Sanghera, V. Nguyen, and M. Kotov, in: SPIE Proceedings 9822, Defense and Commercial Sensing, Advanced Optics for Defense Applications: UV through LWIR, (2016).


“Precipitation of anion inclusions and plasticity under hydrostatic pressure in II-VI crystals”,  G. P. Lindberg and B. A. Weinstein,

Phys. Rev. B 94, 134102-(1-18), (2016).


“Chalcogenide perovskites – an emerging class of ionic semiconductors”, S. Perera, H. Hui, C. Zhao, H. Xue, F. Sun, C. Deng,

N. Gross, C. Milleville, X. Xu, D. F. Watson, B. A. Weinstein, Y-Y. Sun, S. Zhang, H. Zeng, Nano Energy 22, 129-135 (2016).


“Photo-crystallization in a-Se layer structures: Effects of film-substrate interface-rigidity”, G. P. Lindberg, T. O'Loughlin, N. Gross,

A. Mishchenko, A. Reznik, S. Abbaszadeh, K. S. Karim, G. Belev and B. A. Weinstein, J. of Appl. Phys. 116 (19), 193511(1-6) (2014).


“Comparative study of the photodarkening relaxation-kinetics in amorphous selenium for above-bandgap and sub-bandgap illumination”, A. Mishchenko, G. P. Lindberg, B. A. Weinstein and A. Reznik, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 (5), 051912(1-4) (2014).


“Raman and AFM mapping studies of photoinduced crystallization in a-Se films: Substrate-strain and thermal effects”, G. P. Lindberg, T. O’Loughlin, N. Gross, A. Reznik, S. Abbaszadeh, K. S. Karim, G. Belev, D. Hunter, B. A. Weinstein, Canadian J. Physics 92,

728-731 (2014).


“Probing the nature of carrier localization in GaInNAs epilayers by optical methods”, Y Tsai, B. Barman, T. Scrace, G. P. Lindberg,

M. Fukuda, J. C. Keay, M. B. Johnson, V. Whiteside, I. R. Sellers, M. Al Khalfioui, M. Leroux, B. A. Weinstein, and A. Petrou, Applied Physics Letters 103, 02104(1-4), (2013).


“Effects of pressure on photo-induced formation of Se and Te clusters in II-VI compounds”, G. P. Lindberg, R. E. Tallman, R. Lauck, M. Cardona, X. Liu, J. K. Furdyna, and B. A. Weinstein, physica status solidi (b) 250, 711-715 (2013).


“The effect of the substrate on transient photodarkening in stabilized amorphous selenium”, S. Abbaszadeh, K. Rom, O. Bubon,

B.A. Weinstein, K.S. Karim, J.A. Rowlands, A. Reznik, J. Non-crystal. Sol. 358, 2389-92 (2012).


“Optical phonons in spherical core/shell semiconductor nanoparticles: Effect of hydrostatic pressure”, C. Trallero-Giner, F. Comas,

G. E. Marques, R. E. Tallman, and B. A. Weinstein, Phys. Rev. B 82, 205426(1-14), (2010).


“Anomalous pressure behavior of ZnSe Raman Spectrum“, R. E. Tallman, G. Lindberg, B. Shih, P. Zhang, B. A. Weinstein, R. Lauck, and M. Cardona, High Pressure Research 29, 476-481 (2009).


HPSP-13: Perspectives and Summary Remarks”, B. A. Weinstein, physica status solidi (b) 246 No. 3, 679-681 (2009), (invited)


“Pressure Dependence of the Raman Active Vibrations in InP-CdS Hybrid Nanoparticles”, R. E. Tallman, B. A. Weinstein,

C. Trallero-Giner, Y. Sahoo, and P. Prasad, physica status solidi (b) 246 No. 3, 477-481 (2009).


“Similarities in the kinetics of photocrystallization and photodarkening in a-Se”, R. E. Tallman, A. Reznik, B. A. Weinstein, M. Kubota, K. Tanioka, and J. A. Rowlands, Applied Physics Letters 93, 212103-3 (2008).


“Photo-crystallization in a-Se imaging targets: Raman studies of competing effects”, R. E. Tallman, B. A. Weinstein, A. Reznik,

M. Kubota, K. Tanioka, and J. A. Rowlands, J. of Non-Crystalline Solids 354, 4577-4581(2008).


“Exciton Emission in PTCDA Thin Films under Uniaxial Pressure”, V. Gangilenka, A. DeSilva, H. Wagner, R.E. Tallman,

B. A. Weinstein, Phys. Rev. B 77, 1152006(1-8), 2008.


“Raman Spectroscopy under Pressure in Semiconductor Nanoparticles”, B. A. Weinstein, physica status solidi (b) 244, 368-379 (2007). (invited review)


“Effect of Crystal Structure and Dopant Concentration on the Luminescence of Cr3+ in Al2O3 Nanocrystals”, A. Patra, R. E. Tallman, and B. A. Weinstein, Optical Materials 27, 1396-1401 (2005).


Pressure-Raman study of resonant TO(Γ)-two-phonon decay processes in ZnS: Comparison of three isotope compositions”,

R. E. Tallman, J. Serrano, A. Cantarero, N. Garro, R. Lauck, T. M. Ritter, B. A. Weinstein, M. Cardona, physica status solidi (b) 241, No.14, 3143-3148 (2004).


“Effects of high pressure on the photoluminescence transitions of excitons in a-PTCDA (perylene tetracarboxylic dianhydride) crystals”, R. E. Tallman, B.A. Weinstein, A. DeSilva, and H. P. Wagner, physica status solidi (b) 241, No. 14, 3334-3338 (2004).


“Infrared and Raman Spectroscopies of InP/II-VI Core-Shell Nanoparticles”, F. S. Manciu, R. E. Tallman, B. D. McCombe,

B. A. Weinstein, D. W. Lucey, Y. Sahoo, and P. N. Prasad, Physica E 26, 14-18 (2004).


“Pressure measurements of TO-phonon anharmonicity in isotopic ZnS”, R. E. Tallman, T. M. Ritter, B. A. Weinstein, A. Cantarero,

J. Serrano, R. Lauck, and M. Cardona, physica status solidi (b) 241, No. 3, 491-494 (2004).


“Raman scattering in beta-ZnS”, J. Serrano, A. Cantarero, M. Cardona, N. Garro, R. Lauck, R. E. Tallman, T. M. Ritter, and

B. A. Weinstein, Phys. Rev. B 69, 14301(1-12) (2004).


“Pressure studies of conduction-band N-pair-state mixing in dilute GaAs1-xNx alloys”, B. A. Weinstein, S. R. Stambach, T. M. Ritter, 

J. O. Maclean and D. J. Wallis, Physica E 20, 317-320 (2004).

“Evidence for selective de-localization of N-pair states in dilute GaAs1-xNx”, B.A. Weinstein, S. R. Stambach, T. M. Ritter,

J. O. Maclean, and D. J. Wallis, Phys. Rev. B 68, 35336-35345 (2003). 


“Pressure and k.p studies of band parameters in dilute-N GaInNAs/GaAs quantum wells”, S. A. Choulis, T.J.C. Hosea, S. Tomic,

M. Kamal-Saadi, B. A. Weinstein, E. P. O’Reilly, A. R. Adams, and P.J. Klar, physica status solidi (b) 235, No. 2, 384-389 (2003).


“Pressure and temperature dependence of the Raman phonons in isotopic g-CuI”, J. Serrano, M. Cardona, T. M. Ritter,

B. A. Weinstein, A. Rubio, C. T. Lin, Phys. Rev. B 66, 245202-245213 (2002).


“Electronic structure of InyGa1-yAs1-xNx/GaAs multiple quantum wells in the dilute-N regime from pressure and k.p studies”,

S.A. Choulis, T.J.C. Hosea, S. Tomic, M. Kamal-Saadi, A. Adams, E. O’Reilly, P. Klar, B.A. Weinstein, Phys. Rev. B 66,

165321-165329 (2002).


“Heterostructure interface effects on the far-infrared magneto-optical spectra of InAs/GaSb quantum wells”, G. Comanescu,

R.J. Wagner, B.D. McCombe, B.V. Shanabrook, B.R. Bennett, S. Singh, J.G. Tischler, B.A. Weinstein, Physica E, 13, 186-189 (2002).


“Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of Quasi-2D Impurity States in Semiconductor Nanostructures under High Hydrostatic Pressure”, B. A. Weinstein, J.G. Tischler, R.J. Chen, H.A. Nickel, Z.X. Jiang and B.D. McCombe, in: Frontiers of High Pressure Research: Application to Low-Dimensional Novel Electronic Materials, NATO Science Series II. Math., Physics and Chemistry – Vol. 48, (ed. by H. D. Hochheimer, B. Kuchta, P. Dorhout, J. Yarger), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001, pp. 303-319. (invited review)


"Effects of Confinement on Coupling Between Nitrogen and Band States in InGaAsN/GaAs Structures: Pressure and Temperature Studies", S. Choulis, B.A. Weinstein, T. Hosea, M.  Kamal-Saadi, E. O'Reilly, A. Adams, W. Stolz, physica status solidi (b) 223, 151 (2001).;2-E


“Resonant Donor Defect as Cause of Compensation in p-type ZnSe: Photoluminescence under Hydrostatic Pressure”,

Igor L. Kuskovsky, G. F. Neumark, J. G.Tischler, and B. A.Weinstein, Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Commun. 63, 161201(R), (2001).


“High-Pressure Studies of Semiconductors in the Far-Infrared: Donor States in Quasi-2D”, B.A. Weinstein, J. G. Tischler, R.J. Chen, H. A. Nickel, B. D. McCombe, A. B. Dzyubenko and A. Sivachenko, Acta Physica Polonica A 98, 241-257 (2000). (invited review)


“Hydrostatic Pressure Dependence of Negative-Donor-Ion Singlet and Singlet-Like Bound Magnetoplasmon Transitions in Doped GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells”, J. G. Tischler, H. A. Nickel, B. D. McCombe, B. A. Weinstein, A. B. Dzyubenko and

A. Yu. Sivachenko, Physica E 6, 177-181 (2000).


“Spectroscopy of Charged Donors and Many-Electron Effects in Semiconductor Quantum Wells”, B. D. McCombe, Z. X. Jiang,

J. G. Tischler, B. A. Weinstein and P. Hawrylak, Acta Physica Polonica A 96, 559-572 (1999).


“Pressure Tuning of Competing Charged and Neutral Exciton States in Quasi-2D Semiconductor Structures”, J. G. Tischler,

B. A. Weinstein, B. D. McCombe, physica status solidi (b) 215, 263-267 (1999).<263::AID-PSSB263>3.0.CO;2-O


"Pressure Tuning of Many-Electron Impurity Interactions in Confined Structures", J. G. Tischler, S.  Singh, H. A. Nickel, G. S. Herold, Z. X. Jiang, B. D. McCombe, and B. A.Weinstein, physica status solidi (b) 211, 131-136 (1999).<131::AID-PSSB131>3.0.CO;2-N


"Pitfalls of Using Pressure to Assign the Luminescence of Large-Lattice-Relaxation Defects", V. Iota and B. A. Weinstein, physica

status solidi (b) 211, 91-104 (1999).<91::AID-PSSB91>3.0.CO;2-M


"Energy Level Alignments in Strained-Layer GaInP/AlGaInP Laser Diodes: Model Solid Theory Analysis of Pressure-Photoluminescence Experiments", T.M. Ritter, B.A. Weinstein, R. E. Viturro and D. P. Bour, physica status solidi (b) 211, 869-883 (1999).<869::AID-PSSB869>3.0.CO;2-N


"InGaN/GaN Quantum Wells Studied by High Pressure, Variable Temperature and Excitation Power Spectroscopy" P. Perlin,

C. Kisielowski, V. Iota, B. A. Weinstein, L. Mattos, J. Kruger, E. R. Weber, J. Yang, Applied Physics Letters 73, 2778-2780 (1998).


"Effects of Pressure on the Zn-Vacancy in ZnSe: Essential Role of Lattice Relaxation for a Basic C3v Defect", V. Iota and

B. A. Weinstein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 4955-4958 (1998).


"Cubic InN Inclusions: Proposed Explanation for the Small Pressure-Shift Anomaly of the Luminescence in InGaN-Based Quantum Wells", B. A. Weinstein, P. Perlin, N. E. Christensen, I. Gorczyca, V. Iota, T. Suski, P. Wisniewski, M. Osinski and P. G. Elisev,

Solid State Commun. 106, 567-571 (1998).


"Full-Spectrum Optically Detected Resonance (ODR) Spectroscopy of GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells", G.S. Herold, H.A. Nickel,

J.G. Tischler, B. A. Weinstein and B.D. McCombe, Physica E 2, 39-43 (1998).


Patent #5,693,345, Dec. 2, 1997: "Diamond-Anvil-Cell Assembly", by R. J. Chen and B. A. Weinstein


"Influence of Pressure on the Photoluminescence and Electroluminescence of GaN/InGaN/AlGaN Quantum Wells", P. Perlin, V. Iota, B. A. Weinstein, P. Wisniewski, T. Suski, M. Osinski and P. G. Eliseev, Appl. Phys. Lett.70, 2993-2995 (1997).


“Pressure Dependence of the Electron Effective Mass in GaAs up to the 1s(Γ)-1s(X) Crossover”, Z. X. Jiang, R. J. Chen,

J. G. Tischler, B. A. Weinstein, B. D. McCombe, physica status solidi (b) 198, 41-47 (1996).


“Competition of Deep and Shallow Impurities in Wide-Gap II-VI Semiconductors under Pressure”, B. A. Weinstein, T. M. Ritter,

D. Strachan, M. Li, H. Luo, M. Tamargo and R. Park, physica status solidi (b) 198, 167-180 (1996).


“New Diamond-Anvil Cell Design for FIR Magneto-Spectroscopy Featuring in situ Cryogenic Pressure Tuning”, R. J. Chen and

B.A. Weinstein, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 67, 2883-2889 (1996).


“Emergence of Deep Levels in n-Type ZnSe Under Hydrostatic Pressure”, T. M. Ritter, B. A. Weinstein, R. M. Park and

M. C. Tamargo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 964-967 (1996).


"Relation Between Phase Stability and Mechanical Defects in InGa(Al)As/GaAs and ZnSe/GaAs Heterostructures Under Pressure",

T. M. Ritter, B. A. Weinstein, H. M. Kim, C. R. Wie, K. Stair, C. Choi-feng and M. Funato, J. Phys Chem. Solids 56, 607-613,  (1995).


"Luminescence of Deep Phosphorous and Arsenic Impurities in ZnSe at High Pressure", M. Ming Li, D. J. Strachan, T. M. Ritter,

M. Tamargo and B.A. Weinstein, Phys. Rev. B 50, 4385-4390 (1994).


"Beginnings and Connections", B. A. Weinstein, Phil. Mag. B, 70, 315-320 (1994). (Invited)


"Acceptor State Instabilities in ZnSe under Hydrostatic Pressure", D.J. Strachan, M. Ming Li, M. C. Tamargo and B.A. Weinstein,

J. of Crystal Growth 138, 318-323 (1994).


"Strain Relaxation in Highly Mismatched Heterostructures under High­ Pressure-Temperature Conditions", B. A. Weinstein, T. M. Ritter, K. Stair, C. Choi-Feng, G. Devane, H. M. Kim, and C. R. Wie,  in: High Pressure Science and Technology, Part 1, (Proc. of 14th Joint APS/AIRAPT  Intl. Conf.), APS Conf. Proc. 309, ed. by S.C. Schmidt, J. W. Shaner, G.A. Samara, and M. Ross (AIP Press,

New York, 1994), pp. 581-584.


"Pressure-Induced Instabilities of Deep Acceptor States in ZnSe", M. Ming Li, D.J. Strachan, M. Tamargo, and B. A. Weinstein, 

in: High Pressure Science and Technology, Part 1 (Proc. of 14th Joint APS/AIRAPT Intl. Conf.), APS Conf. Proc. 309, ed. by S.C. Schmidt,  J. W. Shaner, G.A. Samara, and M. Ross (AIP  Press, New York, 1994), pp. 597-600.


"Fourier Transform Spectroscopy at Diamond-Anvil-Cell Pressures", S. N. Holmes, M. Ming Li, B.A. Weinstein, and B.D. McCombe, Japanese J. Appl. Phys. 32 (Suppl. 32-1), 340-342 (1993).  


"Heterostructure Stability: Connections Between High Pressure and Epitaxial Growth", B.A. Weinstein, L.J. Cui, and

U.D. Venkateswaran, Japanese J. of Appl. Phys. 32 (Suppl. 32-1), 107-112 (1993).


"Pressure-Induced Resonant Raman Scattering in an InxGa1-xAs/GaAs Strained-Layer Superlattice", V. Lemos, C.K. Inoko,

F. Cerdeira, T. Ritter, and B.A. Weinstein, Solid State Commun. 84, 1011-1013 (1992).


"Matrix-Mediated Synthesis of Nanocrystalline gamma-Fe203: A New Optically Transparent Magnetic Material", R.F. Ziolo,

E.P. Giannelis, B.A. Weinstein, M.P. O'Horo, B.N. Ganguly, V. Mehrotra, M.W.  Russell, and D.R. Huffman, Science 257, 219-223 (1992).


"Anomalies in the Pressure Response of the Raman Modes in (211)-­Oriented InxGa1-xAs/GaAs Strained-Layer Superlattices",

V. Lemos, T. Ritter, and B.A. Weinstein, Applied Physics Letters 61, 1417-1419 (1992).


"Phase Transitions in AlAs/GaAs Superlattices", U.D.  Venkateswaran, L.J. Cui, B.A.Weinstein, and F.A. Chambers, in: Recent Trends in High Pressure Research (Proc. of 13th AIRAPT  Intl. Conf. on High Pressure Science and Technology), ed. by A.K. Singh (Oxford and IBH Co.  Ltd., New Delhi, 1992) pp. 38-40.,%20India.pdf


"Polymorphic Stability of AlAs/GaAs Superlattices at High Pressure", L.J. Cui, U.D. Venkateswaran, B.A. Weinstein and

F.A. Chambers, Phys. Rev. B 45, 9248-9265 (1992).


"Forward and Reverse High-Pressure Transitions in Bulk-like AlAs and GaAs Epilayers", U.D. Venkateswaran, L.J. Cui, B.A. Weinstein and F.A. Chambers, Phys. Rev. B 45, 9237-9247 (1992).


"Highlights of the Round Table Discussion on High Pressure and Semiconductors", B.A. Weinstein, in: Frontiers of High Pressure Research (A NAT0 Workshop Proc.), NAT0 ASI Series B: Physics Vol. 286, ed. by H.D. Hochheimer, R.D. Etters, (Plenum, N.Y., 1991), pp. 377-381. (invited)


"Enhanced Stability of Heterostructures Under Pressure", B.A. Weinstein, L.J. Cui, U.D. Venkateswaran, F. A. Chambers, in: Frontiers of High Pressure Research (A NAT0 Workshop Proc.), NAT0 ASI Series B: Physics Vol. 286, ed. by H.D. Hochheimer, R.D. Etters,

(Plenum, N.Y., 1991), pp. 257-267.


"Influence of Pseudomorphic Constraints on the Pressure Response of Semiconductor Heterostructures", L.J. Cui,

U.D.  Venkateswaran, B.A. Weinstein, in: Frontiers of High Pressure Research (A NAT0 Workshop Proc.), NAT0 ASI Series B: Physics Vol. 286, ed. by H.D. Hochheimer, and R.D. Etters, (Plenum, N.Y., 1991), pp. 269-280.


"Metal Complexes of an o,o'-Dihydroxy Azo Dye: A Spectroscopic Study", B.R. Hsieh, R.K. Crandal and B.A. Weinstein, Dyes and Pigments 17, 141-151 (1991).


"Mismatch-Tuning by Applied Pressure in ZnSe Epilayers: Possibility for Mechanical Buffering", L.J. Cui, U.D. Venkateswaran,

B.A. Weinstein, and B.T. Jonker, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Commun.) 44, 10949-10952 (1991).


"High-Pressure Far Infrared Magneto-optical and Luminescence Studies of Electronic States of Impurity Donors--D(X) Centers--in High Purity GaAs", J. E. Dmochowski, R. A. Stradling, P. D. Wand, S. N. Holmes, M. Ming Li, B. D. McCombe, B. A. Weinstein, Semicond. Science and Technol. 6, 476-482, (1991). 


"Pressure-Raman Studies of Substrate-Generated Internal Strain in Heterostructures", L. J. Cui, U. D. Venkateswaran, B. A. Weinstein and F. A. Chambers, Semicond. Science and Technol. 6, 469-475 (1991).


"Crystalline Metastable Phase in Pressure-Cycled Epitaxial GaAs", U.D. Venkateswaran, L. J. Cui, B. A. Weinstein, and

F. A. Chambers, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Commun.) 43, 1875 (1991).


"Comparison and Spatial Profiling of Strain in [001]- and [111]-­Oriented InxGa1-xAs/GaAs Superlattices from Raman and X-ray Experiments," U.D. Venkateswaran, T. Burnett, L.J. Cui, M. Ming Li, B. A. Weinstein, H. M. Kim, C. R. Wie, K. Elcess,

C. G. Fonstad and C. Mailhiot, Phys. Rev. B42, 3100 (1990).


"Strain Mapping in [111]- and [001]- InGaAs/GaAs Superlattices", U.D. Venkateswaran, L. J. Cui, M. Ming Li, B. A. Weinstein,

K. Elcess, C. G. Fonstad and C. Mailhiot, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 286 (1990).


"Phase Transitions in 2D Semiconductor Systems", B.A. Weinstein, Semicond. Science and Technol. 4, 283 (1989). (invited)


"Stability in Superlattices under Pressure", B.A. Weinstein, in: Advances in Semiconductors and Semiconductor Structures, (Proc. of the 1987 SPIE Conf. on Quantum Well and Superlattice Physics), SPIE Vol. 792, 66-76 (1987). (invited) 


"Raman Scattering Studies of MOCVD Grown GaAs/AlAs Superlattices", S. K. Hark, B. A. Weinstein, and R. D. Burnham, J. Appl. Phys. 62, 1112 (1987).


"Phase Transitions in AlAs/GaAs Superlattices Under High Pressure", B. A. Weinstein, S. K. Hark, R. D. Burnham and R. M. Martin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 781-785 (1987).


"Photoluminescence Properties of Modulation-Doped GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Wells under High Pressure", B. A. Weinstein,

S. K. Hark, C. Mailhiot, and C. H. Perry, Journal of Superlattices and Microstructures 3, 273 (1987).


"Ruby Thermometer for the Cryobaric Diamond-Anvil Cell", B. A. Weinstein, Review of Scientific Instrum. 57, 910-913 (1986).


"Cryogenic-Pressure Response of Optical Transitions in Quantum Well and Bulk GaAs: A Direct Comparative Study", B. A. Weinstein, S. K. Hark and R. D. Burnham, J. Appl. Physics 58, 4662-4665 (1985).


"Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy Studies of Laser-Annealed Metal-­Semiconductor Interfaces", L. J. Brillson, H. Richter, M. Slade, B. A. Weinstein, and Y. Shapira, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A3(3), 1011-1015 (1985).


"Ultrafast Time-Resolved Photoluminescence: A Probe of Radiative and Nonradiative Processes in Amorphous Tetrahedral and Chalcogenide Semiconductors", T. E. Orlowski, and B. A.  Weinstein, Phil. Mag. B 52, 1-8 (1985).


"Anomalous Luminescence Pressure-Dependence in c-As2S3, a-As2SeS2: Native Defect Structure", B. A. Weinstein, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, (Proc. of the 17th Intl. Conf.) ed. by D. J. Chadi, W. A.  Harrison (Springer-Verlag, NY, 1985) pp. 905-908.


"Raman Scattering, Laser Annealing and Pressure-Optical Studies of Ion Beam Deposited Amorphous Carbon Films", S. K. Hark,

M. A. Machonkin, F. Jansen, M. L. Slade, and B. A. Weinstein, in: Optical Effects in Amorphous Semiconductors, AIP Conf. Series No. 120, ed. by S. G. Bishop and P. C. Taylor (AIP, NY, 1984) pp. 465-472.


"Picosecond Photoluminescence as a Probe of Band-Tail Thermalization in a-Si:H", T. E. Orlowski, B. A. Weinstein, and H. Scher,

in: Optical Effects in Amorphous Semiconductors, AIP Conf. Series No. 120, ed. by S. G. Bishop, and  P. C.Taylor (AIP, NY, 1984)

pp 163-169.


"Reversible and Metastable Changes in the Raman Spectrum of GeS2 Glass Induced by Compression", B. A. Weinstein, and

M. L. Slade, in: Optical Effects in Amorphous Semiconductors, AIP Conf. Series No. 120, ed. by S. G. Bishop and P. C. Taylor

(AIP, NY, 1984) pp. 457-464.


"Anomalous Pressure-Response of Luminescence in c-As2S3 and a-As2SeS2: Consequences for Defect Structure in Chalcogenides",

B. A. Weinstein, Philosophical Magazine B 50, 709-729 (1984).


"Cryogenic-Pressure Luminescence Studies of Defect Structure in Amorphous and Crystalline Chalcogenide Semiconductors",

B. A. Weinstein, in: Solid State Physics under Pressure, ed. by S. Minomura (KTK, Tokyo, 1985) pp. 285-290. (invited)


"Pressure-Raman Effects in Covalent and Molecular Solids", B. A. Weinstein and R. Zallen, in: Light Scattering in Solids IV, Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 54, ed. by M. Cardona, and G. Guntherodt (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984) pp. 463-527. (invited)


"Cryogenic-Pressure Studies of Semiconductor Luminescence", B. A. Weinstein, in: High Pressure in Science and Technology Part III, (ISBN 0-444-00932-9) Materials Research Society Symp. Vol. 22, ed. by C. Homan, R. K. MacCrone, E. Whalley (North-Holland, NY, 1984), pp 341-344.


"Picosecond Radiative and Nonradiative Processes in As2S3 Glass", W. H. Knox, T. M. Nordlund, B. A. Weinstein, and T.E. Orlowski, Physica 117&118B, 977-979 (1983).


"Charge Density Anomalies in Si and InSb Preceding the High Pressure Transition", B. A. Weinstein, D. R. Yoder-Short, R. Colella, Physica 117&118B, 564-566 (1983).


"Picosecond Luminescence and Competing Nonradiative Processes in As2S3 Glass", B. A. Weinstein, T. E. Orlowski, W. H. Knox,

T. M. Nordlund and G.  Mourou, Phys. Rev. B 26, 4777-4780 (1982).


"Valence-Electron Density in Silicon and InSb under High Pressure by X-Ray Diffraction", D. R. Yoder-Short, R. Colella and

B. A. Weinstein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 1438-1441 (1982).


"Picosecond Radiative and Nonradiative Recombination in Amorphous As2S3", T. E. Orlowski, B. A. Weinstein, W. H. Knox,

T. M. Nordlund, and G. Mourou, in: Picosecond Phenomena III, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Vol. 23, ed. by K. B. Eisenthal, R. M. Hochstrasser, W. Kaiser, and A. Laubereau (Springer-­Verlag, Berlin, 1982) pp. 395-398.


"Pressure-Optical Studies of GeS2 Glasses and Crystals: Implications for network Topology", B. A. Weinstein, R. Zallen, M. L. Slade and J. C. Mikkelsen, Jr., Phys. Rev. B 25, 781-792 (1982).


"Network Dimensionality of Amorphous GeS2: Optical High-Pressure Experiments on a-GeS2, 2d-GeS2, and 3d-GeS2", R. Zallen,

B. A. Weinstein and M. L. Slade, Journal de Physique C4 42, 241-244 (1981).


"Photoelastic Trends for Amorphous and Crystalline Solids of Differing Network Dimensionality", B. A. Weinstein, R. Zallen,

M.L. Slade and A. deLozanne, Phys. Rev. B 24, 4652-4665 (1981).


"Influence of Compression on Radiative Recombination in a-Si:H", B.A. Weinstein, in: Tetrahedrally Bonded Amorphous Semiconductors, AIP Conf. Series No. 73, ed. by R.A. Street, D. K. Biegelsen, and J. C. Knights (AIP, NY, 1981) pp. 268-272.


"Pressure Effects on the Absorption Edge, Refractive Index, and Raman Spectra of Crystalline and Amorphous As2S3", J. M. Besson, J. Cernogora, M. L. Slade, B. A.Weinstein and R. Zallen, Physica 105B&C, 319-323 (1981).  


"Anomalous Optical Response with Variation in Band Filling in Linear Chain Conductors", B. A. Weinstein, M. L. Slade, A. J. Epstein and J. S. Miller, Solid State Commun. 37, 643-646 (1981).


"Effect of High-Pressure on Radiative Recombination in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon", B. A. Weinstein, Phys. Rev. B 23, 787-793 (1981).


"The Effect of Pressure on Optical Properties of As2S3 Glass", B. A. Weinstein, R. Zallen and M. L. Slade, J. of Non-Crystalline Solids 35&36, 1255-1259 (1980).


"Detailed Photoluminescence Intensity and Lineshape Studies of Doped a-As2Se3 Films", B. A. Weinstein, Philosophical Mag. B41, 235-244 (1980).


"High-Pressure Phonon Dispersion of Zinc Chalcogenides and the Metallic Transition", B. A. Weinstein, in: High Pressure Science and Technology, Vol. 1, Proc. of the 6th AIRAPT Int'l. Conf., ed. by K. D. Timmerhaus and M. S. Barber (Plenum, NY, 1979)

pp. 141-151.


"Phonon Dispersion of Zinc Chalcogenides under Extreme Pressure and the Metallic Transformation", B. A. Weinstein, Solid State Commun. 24, 595-8 (1977).


"Pressure Dependent Optical Phonon Anharmonicity in GaP", B. A. Weinstein, Solid State Commun. 20, 999-1003 (1976).


"Very High Pressure Raman Scattering in ZnTe and the Semiconductor-­to-Metal Phase Transition in Tetrahedral Semiconductors",

B. A. Weinstein, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Proc. of the 13th Int'l. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors, ed. by F.G. Fumi (North­ Holland, Amsterdam, 1976) pp. 326-329.


"Raman Scattering and Phonon Dispersion in Si and GaP at Very High Pressure", B. A.Weinstein and G. J. Piermarini, Phys. Rev. B12, 1172-1186 (1975).


"First- and Second-Order Raman Scattering in GaP to 128 Kbar", B. A. Weinstein and G. J. Piermarini, Phys. Lett. 48A, 14-16 (1974).


"Étude des Structures de Bande: Resonant First- and Second-Order Raman Scattering in GaP", B. A. Weinstein and M. Cardona, J. de Physique 35, Colloque C3, 253 (1974).


"Resonant First- and Second-Order Raman Scattering in GaP", B. A. Weinstein and M. Cardona, Phys. Rev. B 8, 2795-2809 (1973).


"Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Second-Order Raman Spectrum of GaP", B. A. Weinstein, J. B. Renucci and M. Cardona,

Solid State Commun. 12, 473-479 (1973).


"Measurement and Comparative Analysis of the Second-Order Raman spectra of the Alkaline-Earth Oxides with a NaCl Structure",

K. H. Rieder, B. A. Weinstein, M. Cardona and H. Bilz, Phys. Rev. B 8, 4780-4786 (1973).


"Second-Order Raman Spectrum of Germanium", B. A. Weinstein and M. Cardona, Phys. Rev. B 7, 2545-2551 (1973).


"Two-Phonon Raman Spectra of Si and GaP", B. A. Weinstein and M. Cardona, Solid State Commun. 10, 961-965 (1972).


"Effect of Uniaxial Stress on the Reststrahlen Spectrum of GaAs", B.A. Weinstein and M. Cardona, Phys. Rev. B 5, 3120-3124 (1972).

Edited Conference Proceedings

The 6th International Conference on high Pressure Semiconductor Physics, Vancouver, CA, Aug, 21-24, 1994, appearing in: J. of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol. 56, No. 3/4 (1995), Co-edited by P. Y. Yu, W. Paul, and B. A. Weinstein

Conference Proceedings Articles ,  Abstract Only Refereed


“Frustration of Photocrystallization in Amorphous Selenium Films and Film-Polymer Structures Near the Glass Transition“,

G. P. Lindberg, R. E. Tallman, S. Abbaszadeh, K. S. Karim, J. A. Rowlands, A. Reznik, and B. A. Weinstein, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Proc. of the 31st Intl. Conf., AIP Conference Proceedings 1566, ed. by: T. Ihn, C. Rossler, and A. Kozikov, (AIP Publishing, 2013), pp.19-20.


“Phonons and Phonon-Mixing in ZnSe Isotopic Crystals, Pressure-cycled Domains, and Nanorods”, R. E. Tallman, B. A. Weinstein,

H. Zeng, W. Shi, R. Lauck, and M. Cardona, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Proc. of the 28th Intl. Conf., AIP Conference Proceedings 893, Materials Physics and Application subseries, ed. by W. Jantsch and F. Schaffler (Springer-Verlag, NY, 2007),

pp. 181-182.


“Optical Phonon Modes of InP/II-VI Core-Shell Nanoparticles: A Raman and Infrared Study”, F. S. Manciu, R. Tallman, B.D. McCombe, B. A. Weinstein, D. W. Lucey, Y. Sahoo, and P. N. Prasad, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Proc. of the 27th Intl. Conf., AIP Conference Proceeding 772, Materials Physics and Application subseries, ed. by J. Menendez and C. G. Van de Walle (Springer-Verlag, NY, 2005), pp. 847-848.   


“Pressure and Temperature Investigation of Raman Phonons in the Cuprous Halides”, J. Serrano, M. Cardona, B. A. Weinstein,

T. Ritter and A. Rubio, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Proc. of the 26th Intl. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors, Edinburgh, Scotland (World Scientific Ltd., Singapore), 2003. (CDROM)


“Pressure-Evolution of Nitrogen-Related Resonant-Levels and Band-Tail-States in GaAs1-xNx Alloy Quantum Wells (x = 0.0025, 0.004) Near the Band-Formation Regime”, B. A. Weinstein, T. M. Ritter, S. Stambach, J. O. Maclean, D. J. Wallis, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Proc. of the 26th Intl. Conf. on Physics of Semiconductors, Edinburgh, Scotland, (World Scientific Ltd., Singapore, 2003). (CDROM)


“Anomalous behavior of the two-electron singlet-spectra of quasi-2D donor states studied by pressure-magneto-tuning of the electron density”, J. G. Tischler, H. A. Nickel, B. A. Weinstein and B. D. McCombe, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Proc. of the 25th Intl. Conf on Physics of Semiconductors, Osaka, Japan, (World Scientific, Singapore, 2001).


"Cubic InN Inclusions as the Cause for the Unusually Weak Pressure Shift of Luminescence in InGaN", P. Perlin, B. A. Weinstein,

N. E. Christensen, I. Gorczyca, V. Iota, T. Suski, P. Wisniewski, M. Osinski and P.G. Eliseev, Proc. of the Materials Research Society, MRS Online Proceedings Library 482, 720–725 (1997).


“Unusual Si Impurity States, and the Electron Band Mass, in GaAs Observed by High-Pressure FIR Magneto-Spectroscopy”,

R. J. Chen, Z. X. Jiang, B. A. Weinstein and B. D. McCombe, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Vol. 4, Proc. of 23rd Intl. Conf. on Physics of Semiconductors, ed. by M. Scheffler and R. Zimmermann, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996), pp. 2753-2756.


"Pressure Tuning of Deep P- and As- Impurity States in ZnSe", M. Ming Li, D. J. Strachan, T. M. Ritter, M. Tamargo and

B. A. Weinstein, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Vol. 3, Proc. of the 22nd Intl. Conf. on Physics of Semiconductors, ed. by

D. J. Lockwood (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995), pp. 2475-2478.


"Effects of High Pressure on the Internal Strain and Stability of InAlAs Films and InAlAs/GaAs Multilayers on InP Substrates",

T. M. Ritter, B. A. Weinstein, H. M. Kim, C. R. Wie, K. Stair, and G. Devane, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Proc. of the 21st Intl. Conf. on Physics of Semiconductors, ed. by P. Jiang and H-Z. Zheng, (World Scientific Co. Ltd, 1992), pp. 895-898.


"Pressure Fine-Tuning of Impurity States in Bulk GaAs:Si and GaAs/AlGaAs:Si Multilayers", M. Ming Li, S. Holmes,

U. D. Venkateswaran, and B. A. Weinstein, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Proc. of the 21st Intl. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors, ed. by P. Jiang and H-Z. Zheng, (World Scientific Co. Ltd, Singapore, 1992), pp. 1553-1556.


"Pressure-Induced Metastable Phase in Epitaxial GaAs Films", U. D. Venkateswaran, L. J. Cui, B. A. Weinstein and F. A. Chambers in: the Proc. of the 4th Intl. Conf. on High Pressure in Semiconductor Physics, ed. by D. S. Kyriakos, O. E.  Valassiades, (U. Thessaloniki Press, Thessaloniki, 1990), p.144-147.


"Pressure-Raman Studies of Phase Stability in AlAs/GaAs Superlattices", L. J. Cui, U. D. Venkateswaran, B. A. Weinstein and

F. A. Chambers in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Proc. of the 20th Intl. Conf. on Physics of Semiconductors, Vol. 2, ed. by E. M. Anastassakis, J. D. Joannopoulos, (World Scientific, Singapore, l990), p. 953-956.


"Model for Superpressing and Interface-Altered Stability in Superlattices", B. A. Weinstein, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Proc. of the 19th Intl. Conf. on Physics of Semiconductors, ed. by W. Zawadzki (World Scientific, Singapore, 1989), pp. 353-356.


"Pressure-Luminescence Behavior in Modulation-Doped AlGaAs-GaAs Multiple Quantum Wells", C. H. Perry, B. A. Weinstein,

S. K. Hark and C. Mailhiot, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Proc. of the 18th Int'l. Conf. on Physics of Semiconductors, ed. by

O. Engstrom, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1987), pp.  687-690.


"Layer-Specific Phase Transitions in AlAs/GaAs Heterostructures under High Pressure", B. A. Weinstein, S. K. Hark and

R. D. Burnham, in: The Physics of Semiconductors, Proc. of the 18th Intl. Conf. on Physics of Semiconductors, ed. by O. Engstrom, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1987), pp. 707-714. (invited)


"Hydrostatic Pressure Dependence of the Doublet Transitions of Ruby", R. A. Forman, B. A. Weinstein and G. J. Piermarini, in: Colloque Int'l.  C.N.R.S., No. 255, Spectroscopy of Transition and Heavy Elements in Solids (C.N.R.S., Paris, 1977) pp. 51-57.


B. A. Weinstein

Department of Physics

SUNY at Buffalo

Department of Physics

239 Fronczak Hall

Buffalo, NY 14260-1500


 High-Pressure Physics

© by B. A. Weinstein.

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